On 1 July 2018, Austria takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the third time.
The Austrian Presidency will put emphasis on three areas where the EU has a particular protective role:
• Security and the fight against illegal migration (protection of the EU’s external borders, dealing with migration issues, including the causes of migration, prevention and combating of radicalisation, violent extremism and organised crime)
• Securing prosperity and competitiveness through digitalisation
• Stability in the European neighbourhood – EU perspective of the Western Balkans/South Eastern Europe
Stills & Films is having Vienna based English speaking video crews standing by to film during the Presidency for interested clients. Please send your request to booking@stillsandfilms.com
#Austria #videoproduction #DOP #cameraman #Presidency2018 #productioncompany #Vienna #SonyFS7 #CanonC300MarkII #productioncrew #videocrewVienna